What's on the Agenda
March 23
March 26
Sunday School for all Ages at 10:00 am
Morning Service at 11:00 am
Great Singing, Timely Announcements, Prayer Time, Special Music and
the message by​
Senior Pastor Tom Mooty
"The Water of Life!”​​​​​
Church Services at 6:00 pm
Great Singing, Testimonies, Prayer
Time and the message by:
"Biblical Character Studies"​
"Wonderful Wednesday Night
Bible Study and Prayer Time"
6:00 PM (In the Bible Study Chapel)
Message by
Associate Pastor Jordon Williams
Brother Jordon will be leading the Wednesday Sessions of Studies as we get ready for the 5th Season of “The Chosen” Videos. The lessons (both spoken and video) will be carefully chosen to more properly prepare us for the new season. Be sure you try to make this week’s Study in the Chapel (no food).​
Online and Onsite
We use a lot of visual aids,
however, we do ask that you please bring your Bible, if
possible, as it aids in learning.
We update our area-wide prayer list
"offline" at 5:55;
and the service starts at 6:00 pm
for the Adults, Children's Church, and Youth Group
Verse of the Day
March 25th
But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last.
Job 19:25
Weekly Devotional
The world will tell you that your purpose in life is to find something that makes you happy and to chase after it. Happiness is the goal. Unfortunately, so many people go through life chasing after things of the world only to realize that nothing is ever enough to satisfy them long-term. The truth is, happiness is a temporary feeling. No matter how hard we try, it doesn't last forever. Joy, however, is different from happiness because it is not a feeling, it is a state of mind. In a world where so many things seem to go wrong, it can be hard to find joy. That is why we must learn to lean on Christ and trust that He will satisfy the desires of our hearts. Pray: pray and ask God to supply your sense of joy even when things do not go your way.
Listen Sunday Morning for
Brother Tom's 30 min Radio Broadcast.
9:00 am
WNPC 92.3 FM / 1060 AM
8:30 am
WECO 101.3 & 95.5 FM / 940 AM

Click on the player to hear Sunday's Radio Program.
"A Study In Genesis"
by Senior Pastor Tom Mooty.

This website is a brand new venture for us. Oh, we have had websites before - some very good ones in fact; but this time, we are all pitching in to get the word out - everyone using their Spiritual Gifts to see that our Lord Jesus The Christ has His DAY and SAY in this crazy, mixed-up world that has lost its collective mind! So, we would really appreciate your input about our output - just another way of getting the Message of Jesus The Christ out into the World!

West End Baptist Church has stood on the same corner in Newport Tennessee since 1933; and she continues to evolve today. From its first name of "The Church in Westport" to West End Baptist Church of Newport; the Church reaches out to whom ever, where ever, and how ever we can with the good news about Jesus the Christ.
Brother Tom Mooty has served our church at three different times for a total of thirty-three years. Although not as high and not as long, he is still kicking; and plans to keep on keeping on until "God gets through with him".
Although he says he is an "old dinosaur" and likes "the yellow pad and number two pencil"; he has endorsed the Twenty-First Century technology and has surrounded himself with it. He even carries a lap-top; but the jury is still out whether or not he actually uses it!
Brother Jordon Williams is a "homegrown preacher product" of our Church. He is a public school teacher and basketball coach - and a student of God's Word!
Jordon's messages are "spot on" correct, extremely interesting, and challenging to every age group
Take the time to read more about this fascinating young man who carries an I-pad!
West End is a very mission-minded local church; and the many different kinds of "Media" are a very important part of that ministry.
We have been broadcasting our Sunday Morning Service live over WLIK Radio (97.9 FM and 1270 AM) in Newport since there WAS a WLIK Radio in Newport - and that was in1954!
Regular Services are held as follows:
"Sunday School for all Ages" at 10 AM.
Morning Service at 11am
Evening Service at 6pm
"Wonderful Wednesday" Bible Study and Prayer Time at 6pm
are held anytime we take a notion too
and you are invited!